PhD Student
Tobias did his bachelor of biology and master of environmental sciences both at the Albert-Ludwigs Universität Freiburg. The study of the interaction of tree species diversity on light use in mixed forest stands for his bachelor thesis brought him to investigate the effect of tree species diversity on the infestation behaviour of the sixtoothed spruce bark beetle for his master thesis.
He is now working on semiochemical ecology of the European spruce bark beetle. Focus of the VerbIps project lies on verbenone, often referred to as a “universal bark beetle repellent”. He is interested in the small scale mechanisms that can lead to outbreaks that are visible on a landscape scale, mediated by both, beetle pheromones, but also host and non-host plant interactions. He is currently working for the Forest Research Institute Baden-Württemberg in the department of forest health.
E-mail: tobias.fruehbrodt[at]
Phone: +49 761/4018 122
Berthelot, S, Frühbrodt, T, Hajek, P, et al. Tree diversity reduces the risk of bark beetle infestation for preferred conifer species, but increases the risk for less preferred hosts. J Ecol. 2021; 00: 1– 13.
Frühbrodt, T, Schebeck, M, Andersson, MN et al. (2023). Verbenone—the universal bark beetle repellent? Its origin, effects, and ecological roles. J Pest Sci . <>
Frühbrodt, T., Du, B., Delb, H. et al. (2023). Know when you are too many: density-dependent release of pheromones during host colonisation by the European spruce bark beetle, Ips typographus (L.). J Chem Ecol.